The Decadent Dieter

Just another site

a 180

Well, I did a 180.

Literally. I weight 180 lbs again. And for those of you who have been following from the beginning of The Decadent Dieter, you will know that this means I’m back at my starting weight.

So, why not start anew at a new blogging location? Done!

And why not have a new plan? *ahem* I don’t have one of those, but I DO still have an appetite for sharing my hints at dieting. For example, my pb&j sandwich today was totally on wheat bread.

And I only had half of a beer with my stuffed cabbage last night.

Well, at least my hair is cute.

a new place, a similar attitude

The old decadent dieter blog got messy, so I’m cleaning the fridge and starting anew.  Old posts can be found here:

Thanks for your continued support